Some of My Words on Moshiach

I am so glad to see more people discussing the Moshiach. However, I want to warn all of us, that even in Moses time they miscalculated his return. Just 1 day off! And they panicked. The men gathered all the gold, the women refused to hand theirs over. Many of the women did not partake in the golden calf.

There is a reason, per the rabbis why Jacob was unable to tell his 12 sons when moshiach will come. Who could wait that long!

Rabbis know that we are not to tell the date. Because Every Generation there is a moshiach ready for us to accept him. If we are not collectively ready, then that moshiach is not revealed.

We are 3335 years since the giving of the torah to Moses.

Can you image being told, “Moshiach will take longer then that!” Most of us would have lost our faith and hope for a better tomorrow.

Let’s just stop the counting of when he will arrive. Suffice to say, that this is 5784 [3/4 of this year have passed]. And 6000 is the last date. Do not even do that math. Just know it can be any day from today until then. This way, we will not error in counting. We will not look foolish to the world. We should speak of Moshiach. We should speak of doing teshuva. We should help bolster peoples’ faith. And we should speak to Jewish about redemption. Plus speak to the non-jewish (I dislike that term) to seek the Noahide laws. They still need to believe in the one God, we call Hashem. Since we are not allowed to speak the 4 lettered word YHVH. We do need to teach everyone about how to live. We do need to speak about 10% tithing. Your money, is not your money. The Creator of All gave that to you, to share it. Not hoard it. It is not meant to sit in a vault collecting dust. Nor is it to be used for “stuff”. It is to help the poor, the sick, the widow and the children. As I say ” Caring IS Sharing!”

The souls know the truth! It is the body that is fighting back so hard, not to listen. I know in myself, when I say “whatever”… I need to stop. I need to revaluate what I am saying and why. Why is my body so willing to just give in? While my soul knows the proper answer. So I then correct what I was going to do. Put a proper soul prospective on it and do differently then my body wants. That is the definition of a soul correction. We are here to correct what our souls have not achieved in soul correction. To say this has taken me years to achieve, is an understatement!

Let us, those of us who have audiences who listen to us, not set the world up for failure; thinking moshiach will come soon. Yes, he can come at this exact moment. We should be ready at this moment to accept him. We should be ready, willing and able to broadcast when he is revealed. However, we should not get everyone in a frenzy and leave them proverbialy hanging. Or even worse, giving up waiting. Thinking we are all messianic nuts, off our proverbial rockers. Making tons of noise about nothing. Causing beautiful souls wanting more and jumping the band wagon of false gods. (Small g). NO human being is allowed to follow false gods. It is in the Noahide laws and Jewish laws. In the 10 commandments, (AKA 10 Utterances).

If you think we do not have a part in the answer, then we also have a part in the problem. We have voices that can help or hurt. Let our voices do the positive. Do not be the cause of confusion. We are the voice of reasoning.

Please share this on social media, to friends and family. To your spiritual leaders and anyone you know.

We can change the world, one voice at a time!

Shabbat Shalom!


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