Protesters and Do You Really Know What You Are Protesting?

Where were these protesters when Israel made Israelis move out of Gaza in 2005. When Hamas tore down Farms, and hot houses that could have been used by Gazans and fed Gazans. (See article).

Looters strip Gaza greenhouses

Measure for Measure, Ariel Sharone was in charge then. He is the one who caused Israeli from staying in Gaza. I will never forget the footage of Israeli IDF on horse back, dragging people out of their homes. I was saddened and shocked, as I did like Ariel Sharone. Later, Ariel Sharone suffered a stroke and was in a coma for quite awhile.

Israel’s Disengagement from Gaza and North Samaria (2005)’s,settlements%20in%20Samaria%2C%20was%20completed

Measure for Measure, hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast of the USA. If you think people were not hi-fing in the gulf areas of the USA; that Israeli’s were made to move from their homes.

Hurricane Katrina – August 2005

Think again if you never heard of measure for measure!!!

Chapter 19: Measure for Measure –

The amount of homes destroyed in both places was close to the same. The amount of injured and dead was about the same in both areas.

Hamas took over Gaza back in 2007. Where were you when the Gazans agreed to let Hamas rule the area? They promised them heaven and brought hell to them. And your protesting for them!

Who are Hamas? What to know about the militant group | AP News

Where were you when Hamas took food from Gazan women and children. Used the local children as suicide bombers! Where were you when Israeli women are kidnapped and forced to be wives to Hamas. They are raped and these women hostages were given to the Hamas man. Then they are forced to raise these children as Hamas children, not Jewish children.

The population in Gaza average age is 18 to 35.

Do you even care that 5 Americans are still hostages? Don’t think they are treated well. If Gazans have no food, neither do hostages. They are in underground tunnels or Hamas shelters/homes and not treated well. That does not include this killed on October 7th or those raped, beheaded, women shot in the breast, etc. Atrocities that are unthinkable! Hamas are not humans. They are not animals, because humans and animals have brains and would not do what Hamas has done.

Do you even care that there are many other hostage some may be from other countries? They are in the same situation as others from the October 7, 2023.

Measure for Measure, Gazans are loosing at the same point.

The Creator of All says, (scriptures) “If you curse Israel, you will be cursed”. “If you bless Israel you will be blessed”.

Just wait until Hamas steps on your lands, you think they will care if you protested for them. You are opening a can of worms, you will never control, nor get back in the proverbial can!. All women will have no rights, get your birka ready cause they don’t want women in school, jobs, in any way of life you are accustomed to.

Like they say “Buyer beware”…