Beyond Intelligent Design & Art

I was reading some different articles today. I stumbled on this one and then looked at the bottom of the page to learn of the artist. (Hyperlink of the article and arist at the bottom of page).

I love the artist renditions of his paintings.

According to his back story, he was a Jewish New Jersey guy who decided to move to Israel with only a back pack and $500.00. Now that is faith! Knowing the Creator of All, has a destination and purpose plus will carry you on the journey. The “About artist” has a YouTube video of how his entire art studio went up in flames and he lost 40 years of his art work. I can not fathum his pain. You put all of yourself in your art. You can tap into your feelings as your painting. And after it is completed, you can even remember those feelings. It a body and soul connection that created that art.

The website says there is a movie about his art. Sadly the hyperlink does not work.

I wanted to share his beautiful art with you.

Shabbat Shalom!


  1. Beyond Intelligent Design – From the book, Wisdom To Heal the Earth. –
  2. Contemporary Israeli Art (go to the 3 dots on top right, then go to shop, you can see his gallery of art. Maybe even purchase from him.)

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