Time is Flying By

To think how crazy I was trying to rush to get things done and now the first two days are coming to a close. Of course there are places way ahead of us in the global time. Which means they are on the next day of passover week.

We started the counting of the Omer. This counts our way up, not down to Shavout. Like I said, time is flashing before mine and your eyes. Where does the past time go? Is it just something in our head or does it really get archived somewhere? I do not know that answer. But we have journals, or logs, or calandars with notes all in their daily spaces. Something to look back at or something to just say, wow I did that back then?

Look at life. A dear friend became a 1st time grandma the other day. Baby arrived before passover by a few hours our time. But if you go by Jerusalem time, she arrived during passover 1st day. Now she is on her way home with her mommy and daddy. All three get to start a new life together. Gone is the 9 month prep time. Now it’s mommy, daddy and baby, makes 3! Every moment is special when you start your family. The child changes so much on a daily basis. Even minute by minute. You just have to cherish each minute. Then you look back and your child has grown and accomplished so much in the 1st five years. Just think. It learned to walk, talk, eat, potty, say words, then 3 word phrases. Eventually talking up a storm.

Can you image what the Creator of All has seen in every one of us as (his) children. He saw your soul before it was sent to earth with job to do. Call it your mission statement. The angels taught your soul the torah. It’s up to your soul to enable the body that was created, to find that inner torah. How you will grow to learn it, speak it and convey it to others. The life’s purpose of the soul is to steer the body towards the good. Keep it from straying, keep it on a path. Sometimes we get derailed. We learned as a child to pick ourselves up, brush off the dirt and find a better path. Ironically, no matter how the path changes we eventually get to the proper destination, from life’s journey.

WE need to ask ourselves, “where am I in my lifes journey”? Is there something I have completed? Can I ask for more things to do, so that I can live longer? Why end at the one achievement, when I can keep moving forward. Life is too short when you look back at 60 or 70 years.

I have watched and seen many people I knew in grade school, high school already passing from this life on earth to the next life. Returning to the place of souls. When this happens, I look at the life I once knew them from. And realized how short and precious life is. Every breathe we take.

Stop and smell the freshness of life. Act on the life you were given.

Praise the Creator of All, for the life you have.