Time to Sell Your Chemetz -Online With Chabad.org

I’m so glad they sent me an email reminder! I have been slowly getting my passover items done.

I already purchased my schemorzah matza round box. One pound box of square matza for the rest of the 8 days. My large bottle of Kedem grape juice, Horseradish.

With cleaning, I like to replace all my ant traps, so I found them on Targets website. I am so behind otherwise! You would think with an extra month of Adar I would have had my act together! Nope! Now we are in Nissan and it is “crunch time”. I have been slowly pulling unopened food out of cabinets. That is my oats, barley and wheat. I don’t use spelt or the other items. A family in the next town is in dire need, so it will go to them.

Remember, you can give your foods to a family in need who is not Jewish. There are so many families hurting these days, please donate what is unopened.

Here is the hyperlink for selling your chemetz.

Sell Your Chametz Online – Passover