Messianic Era & What-Who is Moshiach

Thought of the day:
The Talmud states the requirements for the Messianic Age to occur. It is found in the Pirkei Avot (Ethics of our Fathers). It states in the 2 Chapter, Mishna 13-16:

” 13. Rabbi Shimon would say: Be meticulous with the reading of the Shma and with prayer. When you pray, do not make your prayers routine, but [an entreaty of] mercy and a supplication before the Almighty, as is stated “For He is benevolent and merciful, slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness, and relenting of the evil decree” (Joel 2:13). And do not be wicked in your own eyes.

14. Rabbi Elazar would say: Be diligent in the study of Torah. Know what to answer a heretic. And know before whom you toil, and who is your employer who will repay you the reward of your labors.

15. Rabbi Tarfon would say: The day is short, the work is much, the workers are lazy, the reward is great, and the Master is pressing.

16. He would also say: It is not incumbent upon you to finish the task, but neither are you free to absolve yourself from it. If you have learned much Torah, you will be greatly rewarded, and your employer is trustworthy to pay you the reward of your labors. And know, that the reward of the righteous is in the World to Come.”

What this teaches us is that “WE ARE MOSHIACH”/We are anointed to bring about that DAY. Now, before you put on a robe and start wailing like Jeremiah, It is a group/community effort. We must be/need community and it is only as “Kol Israel” can we bring about “THAT DAY”. It is up to us, not G-D to bring about that day. “Us, you say????” Yes, We are the one’s responsible for making the Messianic age happen. G-D is waiting (the Master is pressing), and we are not yet wanting that day to come (And the Workers are lazy). G-D waits for our free will to be ready to accept the responsibility to be at peace and bring about a time when we “Know the L-RD” (Jeremiah 31:34). It is our freewill that holds us back and it is that same freewill that will bring that day about. It is up to us. We must choose. Let us obey HaShem and Choose Life (Deuteronomy 30:11-19).


Copied from my Rabbi’s FB Page